The 10th season of the Summit Lake Neighborhood begins on June 4, 2024!
Summit Lake Neighborhood Farmers Market takes place in the outdoor area behind Summit Lake Community Center located at 380 W. Crosier St. Akron, OH 44311.
In case of bad weather, the market will be held inside the REACH Center at 390 W. Crosier Ave. Akron, OH 44311
Parking is available in the both the Summit Lake Community Center and REACH Center parking lots.
Summit Lake Neighborhood Farmers Market accepts cash, debit, credit, EBT, TANF, WIC and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Incentive coupons.
EBT purchases are matched up to $25 in Produce Perks tokens that can be used to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. Visit the Information Tent at the market or scroll down the page to learn more about these incentives.
If you are interested in becoming a vendor you can apply using the link below.
If your community organization is interested in sharing resources with the community at the market, please fill out the Organization Interest Form below.

July 23rd and August 20th: Barberton Farmers’ Market
August 3rd and possibly Sept 10th: Cuyahoga Valley Farmers’ Market
August 7th and August 28th: HAPI Fresh Market
August 13th: Summit Lake Farmers’ Market
August 17th: Stow Farmers’ Market


You will find us on the southwest end (Kenmore side) of Summit Lake at 462 Harvey Ave. between 1st and 2nd St. SW. right along the Summit Lake Trail.
We accept cash, credit, debit, EBT and pEBT, Produce Perks, WIC and Senior Farmers Market vouchers. EBT customers purchases matched up to $25 in produce through Produce Perks!